A truly personalized, fun, and original gift to give to a little "kitty"!
In the customization form, choose the skin tone of your adorable baby kitten, and select the costume color.
Then, customize your night light with the child's name. It will also be included on the baby's stuffed animal! And add, if you wish; the date of birth, as well as the weight and birth size.
Your night light is delivered in a custom gift box! So you can choose the color of your gift box and the text on your gift box!
For an even more detailed customization,
Choose only if you want, a little quote that will be added to your little note.
Guaranteed surprise!![Fairy](https://www.1001veilleuses.com/medias/images/dde5e95b4662a79f469c2a2195aeab99-removebg-preview.png)